View Profile MI4-REAL-2001

3,509 Movie Reviews

444 w/ Responses

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Filesize Much better

Other than that, no real change. Everything kinda seems the same when you review as much as I have. It (this movie) is pretty average if you ask me. I guess all I can offer is that you refine the graphics a touch.

beanies520 responds:

Yup yup Arctic Adventure Episode 4 is coming out sometime in November or December, with a christmas special too! So stay tuned, and hold on tight cuz I am flash crazy now hahahaa! Thanks for writing! (Although you always give me 0's for both violence and humor on every review... why? :( just curious...)

The filesize is *still* ugly

But I should drop kudos on your choice of music, and games on top of that. The movie was a bit so-so, but definitely not bad.

beanies520 responds:

Thanks for the review. I hate the filesize... this was my second movie as well, and I didnt know much about tweening nor compressing flash. So yeah I've improved greatly. (*Sigh*... 0 on violence and humor again... )


I'm still shooting to see a Strawberry Clock Soundboard...

But that's beside the point. Nice job, and great music.

beanies520 responds:

Thanks a lot for your review! There is a SBC soundboard out, just search for it in the Portal. Or just go to TextAloudMp3 dot com and download the program, so you can have all the clock voices. It is fun so be coolness likish.


One of SBCs classic lines. Love it.

Otherwise I wasn't too impressed by this sprite movie. Sorry.

beanies520 responds:

I know it sucks badly doesnt it? Glad you liked it though! :)

A lot smoother than the trailer

It needed to be longer, but great job on the improvements. Compressed a little better, better animation. Keep improving and you'll have this down pat.

I like the little extras

It's a pretty basic animation. Nothing too spectacular, but it's always nice to see a good stickfight now and then. It seems that the movie could use a bit of filesize compression.

Looks good to me

Go ahead and finish the work. I bet it will get pretty decent marks. Looks like it may have a plotline.

I didn't watch the whole thing

I watched most of it, but wasn't interested in watching it any longer.

It was kind of colorless and boring.

Good try at humor, but nothing to make me LOL

I thought the sudden turn of events for #4 was cool....lol@event.

And the extras helped too (Aftermath of #2)

What game does that little sound at the beginning come from. A NES game no doubt, it possibly sounds familiar.

JamesIsColombian responds:

The sound is from Donkey Kong for NES

Events were mediocre at best

Not the most exiciting thing there is. Not enough events for one, no selector, and it was a rather shoddy sprite animation to boot. Marvelous idea on the other hand.

*Newgrounds Former #1 Reviewer* *Best Popularity #29/62214* *Owner of 3rd biggest BBS topic* *2nd User to 2000/3000/4000 reviews* *325 old blams* *Top 50 User* I'm usually known as just "MI4 REAL" the '2001' in my name is the year I made this account.

Age 42, Male


High School Graduate


Joined on 8/30/01

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