View Profile MI4-REAL-2001

3,509 Movie Reviews

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This is the first movie ever on the Portal

This is the Portals first submission! A bonus is that the very first Portal movie was submitted on my birthday!

It was pretty freakin' good. This movie was a bit better because of it's historical value on NGs. the first Series is Scrotum the Puppy.

It was nice to see how this whole site started off. Good job on the movie, and being the first of many Portal submitters.

Not bad for a class project

It looks like it has a pretty good chance at becoming popular. Will the Swasome team make the full movie?

Who is this Ron guy?

Too short and pointless to be really good.


That was an excellent movie. If only the rest of your MK stuff was like that! The transforming wars rocked.

Really good

Sonya's dance moves seriously lacked variety. She did the same moves over and over again. That kind of stagnated this music video. But overall a good performance on everyone's part. Nice song.

I love these special fights, but....

...i've seen quite a few better ones out there. It's a good try though. And it's not all that bad.

Nicely done

This was good. I'd like to see some more movies like this. It was a good description on the life cycle of stars.

Sad compared to the other Buttmutt movie

This was a disappointment. I was expecting it to be as good as the first one. And what about the MK3 Shao Kahn room with the mincers, that would be a good place for it. How about a Buttmutt MK3 fight?

joevill responds:

I made this one back in 1995 bro, I made Buttmutt Adventures back in 2001! Go figure if the other one is better :-P

Never fart on anything green

this movie was kinda boring, and wasn't funny. Good sound, though.

*Newgrounds Former #1 Reviewer* *Best Popularity #29/62214* *Owner of 3rd biggest BBS topic* *2nd User to 2000/3000/4000 reviews* *325 old blams* *Top 50 User* I'm usually known as just "MI4 REAL" the '2001' in my name is the year I made this account.

Age 42, Male


High School Graduate


Joined on 8/30/01

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