View Profile MI4-REAL-2001

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Very well done

the graphics and animation were superb! The besieged hyrule set the mood for the cloud of death that was Dark Link. It was great in all categories. It's worth watching/finishing.

Is that a dress?

Too short!

The moonrocks part would have been better if you had let them collide. You made us wait for nothing!

BrerSteve responds:

I made you wait for EVERYTHING!


A bit too short! Make it longer!

You were supposed to catch the boomerang!

Much better voice acting this time around! But why did you take out the scene-selection buttons? It's better if you leave them in.

VicHD responds:

I chose a scene select menu instead of the scene skipping arrows in this episode to save time during production.

The scene skipping arrows take longer to make and can get rather confusing to get them in the right frame.

Another reason for it was that some fans recommended that I stick with the scene select menu instead.

I try to satisfty as many people as I can with what I do. Unfortunately, it's impossible for me to make everyone happy becaue everyone has their own POV of things, whether good or bad.

Thanks for the review.

The censors ruin all the fun

I love the crossovers between worlds. The hilarity that ensued was golden, but shouldn't they try and fight the enemies?

VicHD responds:

Blue, Red and Purple have a habit of slacking off if they're not with Green, their leader. They didn't feel like exploring at first because they were a bit exhausted from the constant mirror warping they've been through.

So in other words, the gag with the Japanese versions of Link and Zelda ended up as their punishment for being lazy. The 3 of them missed all the action and the Japanese Link got all the glory.

Thanks for the review.

Pick a box. It's contents will help you on your wa

Couldn't you have just put #2 into one file instead of two?

VicHD responds:

Both parts of the episode are more than 10 minutes long. I would've done that, but flash has something known as a 16k rule, meaning that any animation that passes the 16,000 frames limit doesn't get exported to the flash file. plus, ep 2.2 was made several months after 2.1, meaning that I wrote this as 2 separate stories instead of one big one. Despite this, I still recognize 2.1 and 2.2 as one whole episode.

Thanks for the review.

This is just the first dungeon!

Good so far, you're just getting warmed up!
Voice-overs were kind of cheesy. But good

VicHD responds:

yeah, I was new to voice acting back then. I prefer that you watch the remake Instead. www.newgrounds.com/portal/vie w/328825

Thanks for the review.

What did you think the Triforce meant?

Whoa. I didn't see that coming.
This flash just kept getting weirder and weirder.

LOL @ Poe

A bit on the short side. Small downside:You didn't really focus on the other two characters, as most survivor parodies do.

Behind the Scenes

Perfect view on a dysfunctional cast. All the elements properly set up the scene from beginning to end.

*Newgrounds Former #1 Reviewer* *Best Popularity #29/62214* *Owner of 3rd biggest BBS topic* *2nd User to 2000/3000/4000 reviews* *325 old blams* *Top 50 User* I'm usually known as just "MI4 REAL" the '2001' in my name is the year I made this account.

Age 42, Male


High School Graduate


Joined on 8/30/01

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