View Profile MI4-REAL-2001

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The start of something bigger?

Maybe this is/could be part of/added to the Magnum Opus you talked about in the author comments? If not, it could be used for something bigger, that may be the start of a series.

Way too short

He needs to do something funny.

PimpMasterKDOG responds:

It's a ph33r movie....it's supposed to be short fewel.

Very strange

Stick it in the eraser end! Something ya don't see everyday....

Affinitia responds:

strange... the only thing strange about this is how often pencils actually do this.

Really cheesy music video

Geez, this is REALLY cheesy. Lower score for that friggin' stupid last part though.

Affinitia responds:

yeah, in all truth i meant this to be a music video for the song "War" by system of a down... but i grew obsessed in poop when i drew the "Tree Of Death" and his name later changed to the "Tree of Poop" and so that part with the skull was the ormal part where ppl got shot then the skull came and it said "WAR!!" lol... but i scratched that idea... its very dumb to me now.. still poop in the butt is awesome...

2/3 of them?

I think it's considerably less than that.


Great song.

Radam responds:

Indeed, it is. Are you familiar with NIL8?

I dig Kaleidoscope. If you know them, you may have heard it. If not, you can pick it up at their site.

Cool song

I have NO idea how this wormed it's way to the top 50. It is definitely not top 50 worthy...especially since the only animation is a guy just doing a 2 framed twist to a soundtrack. At least you compressed it so it wouldn't be a gigantic file. The song was a good choice, though.

Radam responds:

The simplicity is the essence.

Give yourself a while to get into the groove; you'll feel it.

The Boxes Fight Back

Great tutorial! Next up:How to make a Crappy Review!

The Turd Fights Back

The whole thing was good! The graphics, how he came to be, and the attack in the store. Fresh squeezed OrangeClock Juice anyone?

*Newgrounds Former #1 Reviewer* *Best Popularity #29/62214* *Owner of 3rd biggest BBS topic* *2nd User to 2000/3000/4000 reviews* *325 old blams* *Top 50 User* I'm usually known as just "MI4 REAL" the '2001' in my name is the year I made this account.

Age 42, Male


High School Graduate


Joined on 8/30/01

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