View Profile MI4-REAL-2001

3,509 Movie Reviews

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Another nice music video

But it always seems these movies are filled with some scale of depression/hate.

lol at your author comments.

The hell part is a bit harsh

IF you mean burn in hell for breaking up with you, then no offense, but that is highly retarded...very...

If you mean burn in hell for stealing your money, blowing up your house and murdering your best friend, then definitely yeah.

illicit responds:

Note: I made this back in Nov. of 2001. not long after My X of years Engaged left me for a red head. I was somewhat upset and really just made this so I could vent. That and I sent this portal entry to his brother just so It would get back to him. Anyway long past that now. That and I did not even know what half of the things where in Flash at this time.But Thank's for the review. iLLiCit147

It does not cause cancer!

You cannot kill PepsiClock....Just kidding! I drink pepsi more than coke, they both taste good.... lol at the sign

PepsiClock --->
Always CocaCola <---

illicit responds:

Thanx MI4_REAL_2001
Actually I drink pepsi too, only when I can't find a cold coke. Thank you for your review. iLLiCit:)

Not too bad

Definitely not the best poem, but the roses were well drawn for the short movie.

Figures, no bonafide love movies

Not bad at all, just a tad depressing. I knew before I loaded it it was going to be this way anyway. Oh well. The ending was kinda cool I guess.

Cow goes THUD

Short, high quality, and well drawn. Now THAT is what a movie should be! and it is a series on top of that

Looks like Timmy is not going to school today

Very well drawn. The busdriver should of run over more stuff is all I got to say.

Macromedia Flash Button Making Tutorial

Not a bad idea. I don't need it because I have never used Macromedia flash before. Who knows, I may try it someday, dunno.

And you wonder why people hate the Clockcrew?

Oh well, this movie wasn't bad, for it's utter simplicity though.

*Newgrounds Former #1 Reviewer* *Best Popularity #29/62214* *Owner of 3rd biggest BBS topic* *2nd User to 2000/3000/4000 reviews* *325 old blams* *Top 50 User* I'm usually known as just "MI4 REAL" the '2001' in my name is the year I made this account.

Age 42, Male


High School Graduate


Joined on 8/30/01

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