View Profile MI4-REAL-2001

3,510 Movie Reviews

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Run for your life!

Another great episode of Wacked!
At least you finally added arms lol.

Most clock movies usually are crap

But not all of them. I don't "hate" the Clock Crew. But a lot of the movies they crank out really blow...They are better than the old clock movies, but some of them are still as deplorable as it gets.

Splent responds:

I see where you are coming from. Most clock movies made by the regular clocks (Raspberry, Orange, Radish, Knottsberry, etc.) are very good. But most newbie and wannabe clock movies are pretty bad, I have to admit. However, all of these are much better than anything we try to blam in the club.

Too depressing

Society criticizes you on your pantleg size for chrissakes...that is what I always say..because of "trends" that people think you must follow to be "cool"

I see what you are saying...but you got TOO deep in depressive crap there.

Needs a bigger missile and a bigger explosion

The nuke should go straight down nosefirst.
And there was no real explosion.

AWESOME use of sound and animation!

I can see why the Xiao Xiao series is so successful! The sound and animation are top-notch! WELL DONE!!

Crazy stick figure

Good movie! Short and sweet!

Hitler sucks shit

A one frame movie, with HITLER?

I give this one a -5 if I could....

I say all these movie should be deleted

Only because they use those annoying sound loops.

The pictures were funny

But you had to make it run slow ONCE, and then an annoying freakin' loop, didn't you???

Automatic 0 for that loop.

*Newgrounds Former #1 Reviewer* *Best Popularity #29/62214* *Owner of 3rd biggest BBS topic* *2nd User to 2000/3000/4000 reviews* *325 old blams* *Top 50 User* I'm usually known as just "MI4 REAL" the '2001' in my name is the year I made this account.

Age 42, Male


High School Graduate


Joined on 8/30/01

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