View Profile MI4-REAL-2001

3,509 Movie Reviews

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Call her if you need ANYTHING.

Ok episode.

Your series are short enough to be non-boring, but good enough to be entertaining. Nice job.

You cannot buy anything from his store

Graphics need a tune-up
Movie needs more depth
Sounds were okay.
Movie needs a bit more length.

Led his army into a minefield.

The movie was okay. Could of been a tad longer.

One can causes lots of problems.

You make that situation sound sort of believable.

But a petrol truck doesn't make such an explosion, and no one would be stupid enough to launch missiles on just someone they THINK did the supposed act.

Level 11!

I am Level 11

One thing, that guide is inaccurate, the EXP points needed to get to levels 10 and up is INCREASING....took me 1040 to get up to L11, see my profile!!!!

Second of all, there is NO Level 23 as of now that is dark or light, only one here, and it is neutral

I collect all 30 levels of 3 auras...I am missing 23 of Light and Dark, and 15 Neutral as my main ones so far. Mostly neutrals.

See the top users profiles, you will see they are about 7000 EXP...

At Level 23 or so, it cut the sound and warped me back to the beginning (I started on 1 and kept going)

Other than that I loved the guide!!! Although I knew what it was! I will one day hold the Legendary Golden Scimitar! Few will hold it! I will be one of them.

Splent responds:

Thanks, but as I said at the beginning, it was the score of November 13. It has changed since then, and I don't have flash anymore, the trial expired, so I can't update it. I just used all of the light pictures. I didn't find the problem at level 23, but I find the buttons a little annoying so I am going to put the no buttons version in here.

Osama-Eating Flower

Needs a lot of work. The last guy got you there, need a preloader. Also needs a bit of tweaking, and smoother animation, since the thing lagged quite a bit. Also might want to add sound.

Splent responds:

Thanks. I know, I wish I could fix this! I can't my flash expired. The sound thing is a good idea, though, Im keeping the files in case I am able to get flash again and I will take that into consideration.

Beautifully constructed

Graphics were perfect, along with the sound!
Great job!

Get your own pic-a-nic baskets, yogi!

What was the deal with the guy getting tackled and bitten?

*Newgrounds Former #1 Reviewer* *Best Popularity #29/62214* *Owner of 3rd biggest BBS topic* *2nd User to 2000/3000/4000 reviews* *325 old blams* *Top 50 User* I'm usually known as just "MI4 REAL" the '2001' in my name is the year I made this account.

Age 42, Male


High School Graduate


Joined on 8/30/01

Exp Points:
85,734 / 100,000
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Vote Power:
10.07 votes
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