A fairly valid point
Though the flag burning took it a bit far.
A fairly valid point
Though the flag burning took it a bit far.
Well that took it too far for you, I see it as a piece of cloth, nothing special. And I know it is supposed to be, but I just dont feel that way.
Bad animation and graphics
But I was glad to hear the theme song again. Been so long..and the sound was good quality, too. Just improve on the drawings, or use sprites, and use more of them, on top of not moving the logos all over the place!
Dude you must have went through and looked at all my movies huh? Yeah I know this movie is shit as are the other ones for the most part, but its the best I can do so far with what I have so whatever.
Long movie, but worth every minute
This took quite a long time I bet! Well all that hard work payed off because this movie was the bomb! Quite a good piece of flashwork.
Well, Mr MI4_REAL_2001, its seems you've managed to write reviews for most(perhaps all) of my movies now. Bravo. I'm glad you enjoyed em. :)
Mario meets Resident Evil
I liked your use of Resident Evil Interface along with this funny spoof, and original SMB3 graphics! I can name a few games used on this. I'd like to see more VG parodies like this from you.
thanks :)
Great idea
I think it would of been better and more complete if the zombie didn't kill the guy, and the zombie ate the nuts at the end.
well the reason I had him kill the guy is because in the commercials they always carve something. So if u look at Chris's back when he is dead u can see the peanut guy. :)
193% of all statistics are false
I thought this was pretty good. It excelled in graphics and sound, and you could view at your leisure.
Thanks :)
General review on all your movies I've seen
You make pretty good movies with good choices of music, but you tend to make too many simple 4 framed animations with little or no content. Which generally can generate "low effort" scores. Expand a little more and you should do fine.
This is what I'm talking about! This isn't a simple 4 frame animation, but a well drawn and nicely thought out 1930s style horror flick. Everything was good leading up to the ending. This is worthy of a 5 vote.
Wow, thankies!
As for the obvious crappiness of some (most?) of my movies, keep in mind that the majority of my movies are quite old and represent me learning Flash. Also keep in mind, that there is more to making a movie than just good animation and graphics. It's all about the content and the audience. Many of my movies are inside jokes that only a handfull of people are going to get.
Anywho, thanks again for your reviews. I enjoy any and all reviews, good or bad. Keep them coming!
*Newgrounds Former #1 Reviewer* *Best Popularity #29/62214* *Owner of 3rd biggest BBS topic* *2nd User to 2000/3000/4000 reviews* *325 old blams* *Top 50 User* I'm usually known as just "MI4 REAL" the '2001' in my name is the year I made this account.
Age 42, Male
High School Graduate
Joined on 8/30/01