Idea was good, but side-scrolling shooters like that are too tricky with the controls. How the hell could ya dodge enemies trying to perform U-turns all the time?
Idea was good, but side-scrolling shooters like that are too tricky with the controls. How the hell could ya dodge enemies trying to perform U-turns all the time?
What's the point of dodging?
The character was too sluggish and this game bored me. half the time I either couldn't see the enemy, or they fired off the screen, making dodging next to useless. I also would have rather had less air than to wait for Mr. Slow to get across a flooded stage for an hour.
You could barely incorporate strategy other than throwing water balloons over stationary objects to people on the other side, and just firing chance shots to catch off-screen enemies.
Very well made, but personally, it didn't have a "hyper" enough feel to it.
First boss hard enough?
Jeez man. I didn't have fun in adventure mode because, really, the adventure wasn't too fun, save for the few enemies along the way. I'm saddened that the boss had so much health it would take all day to kill.
This is indeed the (an) inverse shoot 'em up!
Was fun. An expanded sequel would be a good idea.
Only Wiesi could have thought up something as crazy as this! The absolute randomness (albeit themed) takes the cake.
Bad controls
Bad controls was the worst part. The fact the game was boring from the start wasn't good either.
I got bored with it fast
Black on black terrain is not a good thing. I wondered if that was solid ground or a hole at least part of the time.
Yea this is good
Retro games rock.
A few more powerups is the only thing I can suggest.
Very good game for it's size and simplicity.
Not one of the better Mausland games, but still good nonetheless.
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