View Profile MI4-REAL-2001

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Noir horror film goodness

(For the previous reviewer)
The song is "Even in Death" by Evanescence
It says so at the end in small print.

Pretty good. This does kind of look like something that would come out of a good horror movie back in the days of B&W TV.

The Red Lake School Shooter submitted this?

I can only be sure some activist group is going to blame Newgrounds on the corruption of society. I hate to break it to you, but Newgrounds does not corrupt society. Corrupt society comes to Newgrounds.

I can only wonder how many immensely narrow-minded people are going to blame Newgrounds, the bands he listens to, or his grandfathers gun supplier for the Red Lake School shooting.

You Christians, the BBC, all of you activist groups don't know anything, and you're driven by pure narrow mindedness. If anything this Flash movie was a depiction of what was going on in this kids head. You'd be suprised at how many violent flash makers (see Fallen Angel:Teaser) and Newgrounds users are NOT on the wrong side of the law and do NOT commit crimes like school shootings.

If you look at his profile, you can get a look at all his favorite bands. I listen to most all of those bands and NOT ONCE have I been convicted, arrested, or otherwise been on the wrong side of the law. And I'll be 23 years old next month.

So if you're going to blame Newgrounds, the Internet, music, or videogames, you're hypocritical, pathetic, narrow minded, and sadly mistaken.

So who or what are you going to pin the blame on? We can only hope you realize that if this kid was bullied incessantly, that he was under noticeable stress and anger and as always, NO ONE cares or pays attention until they snap. THEN they blame everyone but themselves.

So I don't want to hear how Newgrounds is the propaganda of the Devil and all that other tripe. He was simply a member on the site. DEAL WITH IT!

Similar theme

His growing reaction and talking all that lame shit was quite funny.

So what exactly is Myg0t

Are they just a hacker clan on Counter-Strike or what?

The movie got better when they got to the action. I can only wait (and expect) until someone slams you simply because it was a school the shooting took place in.

Though you could compress your audio a bit better. 3.8 MB for this sounds a little high.

Still one unresolved question

My favorite part of this one was "Dying with Honour" (You didn't Kill Me, LOL......Bang!)

Why do they always throw down their sidearms at the beginning of each movie?

Not near as good as your newer CS flashes

But you have to start somewhere, right? It wasn't too bad, I just didn't find it funny to speak of.

Funny stuff

My favorite part was when the Killer jumped out without no ammo in his MAC-10s.

*Newgrounds Former #1 Reviewer* *Best Popularity #29/62214* *Owner of 3rd biggest BBS topic* *2nd User to 2000/3000/4000 reviews* *325 old blams* *Top 50 User* I'm usually known as just "MI4 REAL" the '2001' in my name is the year I made this account.

Age 42, Male


High School Graduate


Joined on 8/30/01

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