View Profile MI4-REAL-2001

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To be continued

I've never hitch-hiked before but I'm pretty sure you've got an accurate depiction of the life and risks one takes simply to get around.

This must be the worse-case scenario..

Well plotted out. Kept my attention the whole first part.

Poetic Justice

Well if you intend to become a live-action film director you got a pretty damn good start on it!

Keep at it!

Hehe. I guess it turns out good after all.

This movie is probably a boon to anime fans. Good choice as they are quite a populated audience. A good movie I must say, though I'm not dumbstruck by it's anime roots.

This is as weird as it gets

But you did a really good job! I say 100%!

And thanks ofr adding sub-titles because I would of had no idea what they were saying.

How about a scene select....

that would be funny in itself.

1:Guard Scratches Self
2:Guard Cocks Gun
3:Guard Walks Around
4:Guard Falls Asleep
5:Guard Scratches Self...Again

yeah you get the point...

I was expecting something a little funnier

What I didn't expect was you using the sounds from Claire A :)

It ended a little abruptly, as I wasn't expecting it just to end like it did.

But the one liner was a must. GJ on that.

Too short

It needed to be longer. But you're making other spoofs right? I know RE2 so it will hit a high note with me if you can do them as good as your "Lame" series episodes.

The mindless shit rules

He was laughing at the fact the protestors wanted him dead...

This idea could be expandable if you decide to send him running around the office while he's laughing his head off, but that may just make it too long and pointless. So.....I guess what you have here is about as good as you can get it.

Baron-Fredrico responds:

Thanks M14_REAL_2001, Your right, I wasn't really trying to make anything long and serious (as in funny and be well remembered) It was just something I made one night when I was bored.

Nice special effects

It was an improvement on the first 2, but it didn't have the action like #2 did, and it was way too short. This is a teaser, isn't it?

Good moves!

This one was better than the first. It had better moves and better effects. Try incorporating collections.

*Newgrounds Former #1 Reviewer* *Best Popularity #29/62214* *Owner of 3rd biggest BBS topic* *2nd User to 2000/3000/4000 reviews* *325 old blams* *Top 50 User* I'm usually known as just "MI4 REAL" the '2001' in my name is the year I made this account.

Age 42, Male


High School Graduate


Joined on 8/30/01

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