View Profile MI4-REAL-2001

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The pokemon bit was hilarious

That was my favorite part of the episode. Great job so far.

Good Style

But it lacked special effects. It had some at least! But we action seekers crave it!

Buddy comedies always tend to be good

This is no exception. Add a little more spontaneity in future episodes.

The Power of Four

A good job from the four of you. Livecorpse gets all the points for "Violence"

Your collections are quite good. Just keep in mind in some cases too many cooks spoil the broth. But it really depends.

J-Smooth responds:

The sqeual is due out sometime next week. It is entitle "Hysteria". This time with the power of six. Oh Boy, and it will not spoil the broth.

It could be better

The filmstrip effect again was good. The crude hand drawn anims were not. That's offset by the addition of funny pics at timely intervals.

nazibomb responds:

yeah. like i said, i trail off.


I can see the artistic merit in this kind of shit but this wasn't very artistic. I only give you credit for your choice of sound, which I felt fit this kind of movie really well.

nazibomb responds:

the artistic thing was a joke.

i feel people who make shit like this and call it art (seriously) should be shot. for instance, pollock. drunks with paint shouldn't be that world renowned (sic).

i added the sound after. this was odd, because sometimes when the sound hits a high point it's in cue with the line.

Ouch, this one bites

You have quite obscure music choices..
I though the graphics and the sound were bad this time around. Uninteresting all around.

nazibomb responds:

you need to learn to love the music.

the left rights are great. :)

lol, death metal

Hopefully no one here actually thinks listening to such music is a sin. But it's so damn out of character for the Pope to do such it's funny!

(Funny as it may be, it's not enough to register a 1 for humor score from me)

nazibomb responds:

oh, there are people who think that. alot of 'em.

btw- you're so critical. :P

Only One Idea

Add subtitles because it's impossible to tell what they are saying, for the most part. Also what is the name of the song?

nazibomb responds:

robot by big dumb face.

you didn't need to know what they were saying. :)


His flash was the most impressive I thought. Very showy. Out of the 3 movie collections, I think this ranks #2.

*Newgrounds Former #1 Reviewer* *Best Popularity #29/62214* *Owner of 3rd biggest BBS topic* *2nd User to 2000/3000/4000 reviews* *325 old blams* *Top 50 User* I'm usually known as just "MI4 REAL" the '2001' in my name is the year I made this account.

Age 42, Male


High School Graduate


Joined on 8/30/01

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