A great sequel to a great game.
The first Enigmata was great. But this raised the bar a little bit! With brand new cheesy dialogue and more achievements/powerups, this game is worthy of being alongside it's predecessor.
A few things were fixed. No longer did I find nothing but "X"s lying around everywhere all the time.
An autosave option just incase you forgot to save, although it's a risk that you'll save at a bad time. But you can replay previous waves. Any previous waves. That will allow you to recoup any lost ground.
Double gold bonuses on replays ensure that it lessens boring repetitive grinding, but still encouraging it.
Customizable skll bars and the ability to upgrade acquired skills keeps you in the game, and allows you to formulate strategies regarding positioning of the skills you choose to use.
There is a serious glitch though. And it's been mentioned in the previous review.
There is a glitch that makes energy powerups useless, and upon collecting energy when your bar is empty, you'll find that for a second you'll have energy refilled, but it will go back to 0-2 energy, thus nullifying whatever energy powerup you found/used.
This is caused when your energy runs out from a skill that drains energy, such as a reflector shield, absorption shield, stealth mode, etc.
When you run out of energy from a draining item, it will cause energy powerups to become useless until your energy bar begins to slowly rise without resetting itself.
You'll see that the energy bar will go...0..1..2..0..1..2..0..1..2 and will repeat this pattern of running itself out. When it finally starts to fill up again (3...4..5..6) you can safely use and collect energy powerups.
I think it could be this: Although the skill shuts down when the energy bar reaches 0, it still is insistent on using the remaining energy for the duration of the skill despite having automatically shut down.
If you use an item like the Ultra Bomb which uses energy once, or any other item that uses a set number of energy for a single discharge, you won't encounter the energy bug.
A second minor glitch is that sometimes upon replays, Teramid Fragments would spawn at a highly accelerated rate, thus blocking your path COMPLETELY and the only way to pass them was to use Stealth Mode.
One more thing. How much HP does the final boss have! I used 999 Bosskillers and my blasters and he still had 2/3 or more of his energy left. Took me a long time to defeat him!